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Friday, October 8, 2010

Bali History

Bali with a unique society and culture certainly is not a newly emerging area of migration. Balinese daily with a culture that always show the color of the local culture of Bali shows that the journey has gone through a long historical path. Various archaeological findings in various parts of Bali, Island of Bali proved a long trip coincided with the region and other countries.

As with other areas in the archipelago, during the early stages of social life in Bali is classified as pre-historic era. In the pre-history is not found records that describe the order of social life. The reference is to the findings of various equipment that is used as a means of sustaining human survival Bali at the time.
Of the various findings of the pre-history, pre history Bali - as with most other regions - including three rounds of cultural levels. The first layer is the life that rely on hunting culture. Naturally, hunting is a way to maintain the viability of a very clear and easy to do. With simple tools of stone materials, the relics found in areas north and Sembiran in Bali Batur region, human Bali expected to survive. Relics of a better type of equipment, using bone material, were also found in caves in the area Selonding bulit, South Badung. This shows that the hunt is long past the time accompanied by an increase in the mindset that the better.

Still based on the findings of ancient objects, illustrated that the Balinese began to abandon the hunt and get in on the plant. Although already entered the order of life which is more patterned at the time of planting, groups of people in Bali at that time lived in a move likely. Various relics are found as a freelance findings in various parts of Bali, west, north Bali, and Bali's south. Tatatan settlement is believed to be living with the transitional arrangements of human life in Bali from the prehistoric era to the era of history. Nekara ancient relics in the form of various articles of bronze and metal materials in the area Pejeng Gianyar, proving that when it has formed a more structured society.

Coincided with the transition of prehistoric era to the era of history, the influence of Hindus from India to Indonesia is expected to give strong impetus to the cultural leap in Bali. This transition, which is commonly known as the Bali Ancient between the 8th to the 13th century, with very clearly experiencing more changes due to the influence of Majapahit who intends to unite the archipelago via the Palapa Oath of Gajah Mada in the early 13th century. Order of government and community structures have adjusted to follow the pattern of Majapahit rule. Clash of the local culture and culture of ancient Balinese Hindu Javanese of Majapahit in the form of rejection of the Balinese to cause a variety of resistance in various regions in Bali. Slowly and surely, with the adjustment effort and mix of both parties, Balinese culture managed to find a pattern consistent with the public mindset and nature of Bali.

This adjustment model would then form a society and culture inherited Bali is now a unique and distinctive, absorbing elements of Hindu and Javanese Majapahit, but thick with local color.

The pattern of development of Balinese culture in subsequent periods, the colonial era and the era of independence, naturally follow the same path that is received outside influence color melting into the local culture.

1 comment:

  1. I went through all the information provided here. I enjoyed reading these writings.These may benefit tourists and research persons interested on Bali, its people and culture.
